Closures & Delays


Emergencies and weather-related problems can alter school schedules and affect bus transportation for students. 
The district uses an automated message system to quickly send alerts to families.

In the event of a school or district emergency, the district will likely call (Morning calls will be made before 6 a.m., if possible.) and send text messages as well as emailing and sending an app notification.

The system only works if your contact numbers and emails are current in the student information system.

Please update your contact information annually with your child’s school. You may also download our mobile app. Instructions are available on our mobile app webpage Opens a New Window.

If no schedule change information is posted, schools and buses are on their regular schedules.

Weather Information

Snow Transportation Routes

Weather conditions may affect bus routes in the district. If your home is located on a hill, then it is likely that your stop during inclement weather has been changed.
Your snow stop may be the same as your regular bus stop.
Your afternoon time will remain unchanged.
If Northshore school buses use snow routes/stops in the AM, they will also be used in the PM regardless of weather conditions.
Please dress your student accordingly for the weather. Even though we state that your stop will be 2 hours late, further delays may occur do to road conditions and traffic. Hat, gloves, coat and boots would be ideal in case they need to wait a little longer.
Northshore is a large district and covers over 60 miles, while conditions may seem normal in your neighborhood, it may be unsafe in others. All of this is taken into consideration when a decision is made to cancel, delay, go onto snow routes, or keep everything on normal schedule.
For a list of limited roads during inclement weather and the alternate stops, please see the chart below.
More information on snow bus routes can be obtained from the Transportation Department, 425-408-7900

Building Safety Status