Library Resources
Library Policies
- How many books can I check out?
- Overdue Books/Lost Books
- How do I know what books my child has checked out?
- Where do books like to hide?
- Do you tell students what books they can and can not check out?
- How many new books does the library get each year?
How many books can I check out?
Overdue Books/Lost Books
How do I know what books my child has checked out?
Where do books like to hide?
Do you tell students what books they can and can not check out?
How many new books does the library get each year?
Library Hours:
Library Staff:
Stephanie Dunnewind
Phone: 425-408-5512
Ms. Dunnewind spent a decade as a newspaper reporter before returning to the University of Washington to earn her Master of Library and Information Science. She then received a teaching certificate from UW Bothell after student teaching at Woodmoor Elementary. She worked as the librarian at Woodin Elementary before coming to Westhill. She is the author of a children's nonfiction book (see if you can find it in the Westhill catalog!) and co-author of a very old guidebook. Her husband is also a teacher; her daughter is a student at Inglemoor High School this year while her son graduated from Western Washington University. Her dog Kiki is half beagle, half chihuahua and all mischief. Ms. D loves to travel, hike, and, of course, read.